View from atop the Eiffel Tower
The Louvre
Gelato in Paris...We just couldn't wait until Italy
Bonpoint, one of the most amazing and exquisite children's boutiques in the world.
Rockstar wedding photographers TJ Cameron from Portland and Chris and Lynn Jaksa from Vancouver were in Paris, then to Loire Valley for a wedding, so it was great to get together for dinner with them our last night in town.
I think you gave me juuuust enough inspiration to wake up and go to my art history class :) Cheers guys!
Looking at the picture, I don't think TJ was as happy to see you guys as you guys were to see him.
...oh and please bring me back a Gelato milkshake please.
I loved Paris when I was there about 10 years ago. Isn't it funny how small the actual Mona Lisa is? We were expecting something much bigger. :D Wonderful pictures!!!
OMG. I am sooo jealous! TJ - looking happy as always! :)
Psyched to see you in a few days!!
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