With all the travel over the past 6 weeks, we've been away from the studio for quite a while. We came home to discover our mailbox laying on the sidewalk. Our kind friends at LuLu's across the street told us about the car that came around the corner way too fast, jumped the curb and wiped out our mailbox. Apparently pieces of the wooden post were scattered on the sidewalk, in the street and even in our neighbor's yard. I found a piece of the steel mailbox on the porch! I'm pretty sure the culprit's car got bruised in the process. So slow down, why don't ya!!! LOL!
(Photo of our beloved mailbox above taken from RH website).
So today I went to the post office to claim a huge pile of mail. Wow, what can we say??? We got a beautiful invitation from the Professional Photographers of North Central Florida for their November meeting.
Here's the view from our rockin' scanner:
Several months ago, our friend and fellow photographer, Caroline Johnson in Gainesville, along with Krystal and Matt Radlinski of The K Gallery, invited us to speak for their monthly meeting. While we're honored and thrilled about the opportunity, we're even more flattered that they are using November as a recruiting effort. Joy and I are excited to meet some new faces and make new friends as we visit together.
The meeting will take place on Wednesday, Nov 28, with cocktails at Caroline's swanky new studio, and then we'll head over to the meeting, where we'll spend time talking about attracting your type of clients, capitalizing on your differences and successfully operating in multiple markets. Of course we'll also look at lots of images, talk about travel, and highlight anything else folks want to discuss.
Thanks again guys, for the invite. We can't wait!
yeah! we'll see you there!
I bet it was Liana driving the car that hit your mailbox!!!
Hey Garrett and Joy,
You know what they say about people(Jim)who try to blame others.....
I'm just sayin'.....
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