These two have such a cool story about their relationship, including their amazing surprise trip to Paris last fall, where Bobby proposed. WOW!
Bobby's reaction when he opened Kristina's gift
Kristina and her mother
Kristina and her father
The beautiful bride and her father walking down the aisle.
A split second later....
The lovely ladies
The handsome gents
A bit of private (well almost) relaxation in the midst of a hectic day
The first dance
Both of the parent dances were very emotional
I don't think either of these two eat much cake, but they sure enjoyed this bite!
We don't usually post too many dancing shots, but this guy had the moves!
And finally, a special thanks to our dear friend Jim Cook, for coming down and shooting with me. Staying true to form he got some ridiculous black-mail pics of me shooting, which will hopefully never surface online, but we still had fun nonetheless.
Congratulations, Kristina and Bobby. Thanks so much for letting us be a part of your exciting day. May God bless you as you begin your new life together!
Beautiful images Garrett!! Miss you and Joy :) Sounds like you had fun with Jim... but hey, who doesn't?!
Great wedding! I love the hammock shot! Beautiful, as usual.
How awesome that you got to hang/shoot with Jim Cook!!! He is a real wildcat.
Amy you rock!!!! We had an awesome time at Elevate 1 and you teaching the G$ and Jen how to tie a cherry stem into a knot.
Sticky. The best shot wasn't the hammock shot -- but the shot I took of Garrett up in a palm tree shooting it. Melissa said that G$ looked like a kola bear. lol He will go to ANY lengths to get an awesome shot!
Oh yeah -- GO UK!!!!!
Jim you are a hoot! We miss you already and everytime I tell Graycen " Dad is taking pictures", she says,
"Oh yeah, with Jim".
I LOVE that cake cutting shot!
Awesome moment!
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