Katie and Chris Torres and Brandy and Sticky Rammel came up from Atlanta to spend a few hours with us. It was great!
We first headed to Southern, where we critiqued the images from the Digital Photo class (see below two posts). It was great having them on hand because they added so much to the classroom experience.
Then we came back to the house and Joy and I cooked lunch. Then we headed downtown to hang out for a bit before they headed back.
Graycen showing off her new little bird with black-rim glasses. So cool!
The ladies...
The men...
At this point she was no longer amused by all the nuts.
After we got home I mowed the lawn. I wish they had stayed around for that. :-(
Awesome time, Nudds! Thanks a million for having us!
I can't wait to come back and have another "cheeseburger"
Awe, look at the little "nut." : )
It was great guys! Have fun on your trips! : )
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