(Joy's Perspective): Our friend Paul Martin just emailed and informed us about this new service by Google called Grand Central. I just signed up and think its pretty cool. There may already be other services out there that are similar but anything Google partners with or create, I am all for it! Vonage sends us our voicemail through email as well, but this is all your phone numbers in one! I think it will make our lives easier :) I'm not sure if its invitation only, but if you would like it and want to be invited, just comment here.
Here is Grand Central's message:
If you haven't heard of GrandCentral already, it is a service that lets you pick a new phone number from virtually anywhere in the US for FREE. Integrate all of your existing phones and voicemail boxes into one number that never changes.
GrandCentral gives you total control over your calls:
- Personalize Greetings by caller or by group
- Listen in from any of your phones as callers leave you voicemail messages
- Record any received call at any time with the press of a button
- Switch phones mid-call, seamlessly, between any of your phones
- Block annoying callers or telemarketers with Phone-SPAM Filters
For more information, visit www.grandcentral.com
oh MAN that looks awesome... I can't wait to check it out. Thanks for the heads up... y'all rule. Hope everything is great there...
LOVE it, we've been waiting for an invite. Thanks!
Hmm...not sure if this will be of use to me now that I'm with the iphone, but I love anything google, so maybe?
Thanks for the heads up!
Would love an invite if you have any. Sounds great! :)
this looks like a great service. I love everything Google. I use their Google Apps to manage my email services - it's great and FREE. I'd love an invite for Grand Central if you have a spare. Thanks man. later.
Looks and sounds fantastic!! We would love an invite!
Invite me!!!!!
Hey Garrett! I was recently tagged and now have to tag another photographer so.... :)
TAG....You're It. List 5 things about yourself that most would not know. Then, tag another photographer.
Hey Garrett,
I'd love an invite for this service if you are able.
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