I've always had a fantasy with corporate America. It was a part of my upbringing. Like many kids of corporate executives I spent my summers at the golf course and evening dinners without the presence of both parents. Fortunately, I'm happy to say that I have no regrets. Breakfast was our family time, where we all gathered around the table together to start our day. My parents loved my brothers and me and provided us with a comfortable childhood. Being the oldest of three boys, my "job" was to be the role model...do the right thing, say the right thing, and pave the way for the others. Private church-schools and a similar college experience taught me the value of fitting into the corporate world, making your mark and climbing the ladder that others find fulfilling.
Within the past year I've been shaken.
Shake #1. Becoming a father
Shake #2. Shifting jobs from one corporate company to another
Shake #3. A surprisingly increasing number of photography requests
Shake #4. A rather large kick in the pants from my dear wife
Shake #5. Finding OSP
So here I sit, my last day of being a part-time photographer. Tomorrow things will be different. Everyone's asking me if I'm nervous. And I'm here wondering if I should be?
Fortunately I was able to finagle them into offering me part-time work on a per-diem basis that will allow us to keep benefits. That's a beautiful thing since we've committed to keeping Joy at home with the little one. And ultimately it will be a win/win because I can continue to assist with the hospital's marketing efforts and help promote the mission that I believe so strongly in: To Extend the Healing Ministry of Christ.
I've had three corporate jobs since I graduated from college. All of them I loved. I'm supposed to be a logical person, but I'm a "feelings" person. When I left job #1 in Tennessee I cried...I'd never been so passionate about my work. When I left job #2 last May I cried...I'd never been such good friends with my colleagues. Today my team will take me to lunch and as we leave the restaurant I'll skip to my car (no cameras please). No tears. Just smiles. It’s not because I don’t enjoy my work or I don’t enjoy my colleagues (they’re great!), it’s just that I’ve never been more excited about the future.
This weekend we'll pack for 10 days in California, visiting friends from college, and then it’s off to a 5-day intensive seminar with one of the top wedding photographers in the world. During the seminar we’ll be staying in a 6,000 square-foot beach house with 18 other photographers, most of whom we’ve met in person, but all of whom we already know from DJ's forum. These are some of the top photographers in the country…multiple award winners, folks who have been published/featured in every photography magazine around the world, even one guy has had his photo on the cover of TIME magazine, (Frank D!) We're so excited. What a way to kick off this adventure!
God has blessed us, as He has blessed so many of you. Thank you all for the constant source of encouragement that you've provided. I'll not mention names, but you know who you are. Our prayer is that your kindness comes back to you 10-fold. Here's to a super 2006!
All our best, Garrett and Joy
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