Without a doubt some of the greatest blessings in life are friends. We've had a great time spending the last few days in Loma Linda with friends before we headed to our workshop in Newport Beach. Isaac, Mike and Chris were so hospitible to let us crash at their place.
Thursday we had two engagement shoots, one with Sandra and John and another with Jessica and Brad. Then we went to Market Night in Redlands, where we met up with Jessica and Pete. On Friday morning I had a shoot with ChiChi and her neice, and then we went to Claim Jumper for lunch, and what a lunch it was! Our visit in Loma Linda concluded on Friday evening with a get-together just for us that Isaac planned. We were fortunate enough to catch up with so many people that we hadn't seen in several years. Many were friends from college and some even from high school. It was great fun. May God bless you all as you continue your endeavors along the path of life.
*Unfortunately some had to leave before we took the group picture, and several others couldn't attend because of prior commitments.
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