So six months later we found ourselves in Switzerland. Tracey and Pete had just traveled from southern Italy, where they had photographed a beautiful wedding just two days before. We were excited to see them and especially excited to finally meet Pete.
Their flowers were absolutely amazing! She described everything she wanted in an email to the florist and this is the!
En route to the ceremony.
Pete set his iPod on Jack Johnson's Angel while Tracey entered the room.
It was a brief ceremony, but very beautiful and personalized. We were flattered that they asked us to be their witnesses. I think I was more nervous signing their marriage license than I was signing my own!
Tracey is quite the dog lover. Fortunately there were many dogs to chose from so we waited until the perfect K9 came walking by.
Classic Hepburn
Cows, of course. We told you the cow would make another appearance.
He was quite curious about Tracey's red umbrella.
We found this charming Swiss villa the day before and had to return with Tracey and Pete
Thanks so much Tracey and Pete for letting us capture your beautiful wedding day. It was indeed an honor. May God richly bless you as you begin this exciting new journey together.
Is Joy's first name Henrie?
haha jim, I was wondering what that said too! who knew you had a secret first name, joy?
oh yeah, and of course, fabulous images, as usual.
:-) lori
Yeah -- and who can read Garrett's handwriting? He must be a doctor.
It looks so charming there, what a great destination for a wedding. All images fantastic of course. Love the ones with the red umbrella=)
I've known Peter for a long time and I can't express how happy I am to be able to see these beautiful pictures of his very special day. Congratulations to you both!
i can't believe that i havent commented on these until now but these pics of Pete and Tracey are just amazing and I dont think i have ever seen her so excited when she came home to show me! these are awesome and I know that she truly cherishes these images and the fact that you and Joy were there to share their wedding.
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