Since the holidays our house has been overrun with penguins. Little Gray laughed her head off while we were creating this image.
(from L to R: Giant Penguin, Graycen Penguin, Big Penguin, Mommy and Baby Penguin, Monkey Penguin, Little Penguin, Skating Penguin, Webkin Penguin, Pablo and Crazy-eyes Penguin. Not pictured: Tiny Penguin [temporarily missing], Stinky Penguin [in Florida], Scary Penguin [in Charleston] and lots of other penguin books, calendars, Christmas ornaments, key chains, cards, etc.)
Thanks to everyone for making this waddle of penguins possible.
LOL. Andrew's entire family just gathered around the computer to see this! The captions are hilarious. I guess some of the little penguins went MIA for the holiday!
Oh Graycen and I would get along soooo well!!!
I have well over 200 penguin ornaments and dont get me started on the stuffed animals ;)
I should pass along some of my collection!! :)
Melissa and I love the names of the penguins. Graycen is the cutest penguin.
ohmygosh you guys! we were waiting to see a picture of Graycen and her newest additions to her penguin family, but these pictures are TOO cute! Graycen Penguin is definitely the cutest of them all! I'm so glad to see that she loves Giant Penguin; we knew he'd be going to a good home with her. Little did we know that he'd get such sweet Graycen kisses, on top of it all though!! :-)
Hope you had a wonderful Christmas! Garrett, did you get to eat any of the treats, or did you have to avoid them for fear of looking like Will Smith in "Hitch"? ;-)
lots of love,
~chris & lori
Rachel, thats so funny, I can picture it for some reason, his family all scratching their heads...what is Graycen going to do with all those penguins! She has come up with some really creative names :)
Hi Shyla!
We have another friend who has an extensive collection of penguins! The funny thing is, Graycen loves each and every one of them even thougn her collection is growing rapidly!
Hi Matt!
I love the names too, I had no idea Garrett was going to post them, lol. Hugs to the family!
Hi Lori and Chris!
THANK YOU SOOO MUCH for giant penguin! She really tries to put him in bed with he always sits right there beside it and she wakes up to this giant penguin head right next to her! lol. She absolutely loves him and we can't thank you enough :)
LOL about Garrett. He actually was able to eat them, they were of course DELICOUS! Thank you again! You guys are the best :)
Happy New Year everyone:)
Love the polka dotted Hartmann! Tweed it so cool!
Hi Victor!
Yes, really looooovin the Hartmann bag...I can just see you carrying around a tweed one :) :) Anyone who needs any type of travel bag, Hartmann is IT!
Wow, I haven't been here in a couple of weeks and I feel as though a year has gone by looking at everything. You have been busy, busy, busy!
I picked this post to comment on because I have to say that the "One of these things is not like the other" photo has to be one of my all time favorites! My face lit up and the smile went through my whole body the second I saw it.
Congratulations on the new business too! I like the idea a lot!.
Wishing you the best for the New Year and always.
p.s. maybe I can meet you in NJ for that May wedding (:
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