Statement from AGWPJA website: The Artistic Guild of the Wedding Photojournalist Association [AG]WPJA is comprised of outstanding international wedding photographers (WPJA members), who are at the forefront of the wedding photography industry when it comes to enhancing images. The chief objective of the [AG]WPJA is to provide members with a platform where the finest enhanced, manipulated and/or artistic wedding photojournalism in the world is spotlighted and promoted for the bride and groom.
The [AG]WPJA is a separate division of the Wedding Photojournalist Association (WPJA). Whereas the WPJA upholds strict guidelines that forbid excessive picture manipulation, the [AG]WPJA encourages and fosters creative image enhancement, with the vision of promoting Fine Art Wedding Photojournalists.
This image from Ann Marie and William's wedding:
This image from Katie and Justin's wedding:
Both really awesome moments, congratulations love! Congratulations to all the winners and Happy Holidays :)
I was just heading over to your blog to tell you Congratulations, and you've already posted it! These shots are fantastic! Well done!
WOW! Congrats again!
Merry Christmas to you all. :)
AWESOME! Congrats to you guys! Not surprised of course! Happy holidays to you both!
Congrats! That is amazing!! You guys deserve it for the great work that you do.
well done guys!!! hope to see you guys in vegas!!! we can finally meet haha!!
Merry Christmas!
Thanks so much, guys! It means a lot coming from other photogs who we really admire and look up to.
And Eadwine, you better believe we'll see you in Vegas. It will be fantastic to finally meet!
Hey Garrett,
Congratulations! We love that picture too.
Congrats (a bit late- we've been out of the country)!
You both do such an amazing job. How exciting that our photo placed!
Happy New Year to you!
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