What a beautiful feeling it is to see a bride and her father press their heads together before the doors swing open and he walks her down the asile to meet her groom and make the biggest commitment of her life. And watching a handful of groomsmen surround the groom as they kneel in prayer before the wedding is something that really sticks with you. This weekend I was particularly struck by the look on the face of the bride's mother as her husband and daughter shared their dance at the reception. Now a parent myself, I can imagine her emotions of happiness and pride mixed with thoughts of 'how can this be happening so soon?' Her expression told the story of love and pride and faith and relief. For the most part, dad kept his eyes closed as he danced with his daughter, while 25 years of memories must have been racing through his head.
Weddings are filled with moments like that, and our job is to find them, record them, and make them last a lifetime.
Today we received two emails from recent clients, and let me tell you, what a great way to start out the week.
Kathryn wrote:

Hey Garrett!
Now that we're back and I have unlimited computer access, I have watched the slideshow over and over and over. I cannot tell you how happy I am with the photos - they are gorgeous and it's all thanks to you and Joy.
When I began planning this wedding so many, many months ago, I chose the slate blue dresses and bold pink flowers because I really wanted something that would POP in the photos, rather than the classic pale colors you so often see. When I saw your photos, it was almost like the image in my head had been transposed onto the computer. The colors came out just the way I wanted.
I said it before and I will continue to say it...THANK YOU. I was a HUGE fan of yours from the very first time I saw your website and will recommend you to anyone in the world. While I saw you put your house up for sale, you better stay in this area so we can continue to use you for future photo ops! David and I still feel like we "discovered" this amazing unknown, untapped talent in Orlando last year - although I would hardly call you undiscovered now! We will forever be thankful for the work you did for us.
Enough rambling...I am a bit of a sentimental cheeseball. Thanks again and I look forward to seeing the rest of the photos when they become available.
PS - one of my bridesmaids, xxxxx xxxxxxxxx, may be contacting you to get info for her wedding next April in south Florida.
Talk to you soon!
And then we received this message from Shayna's mother, Libby:

We could not have been more thrilled and confident knowing you were photographing Shayna and Andrew's wedding. We are huge fans...not only from your work, but from knowing you. I know it was a divine appointment from God when Shayna emailed you about your services and you called her back to discuss the possibilities.
Thank you so much for everything...if we had a dozen daughters, they would all have their engagements and weddings photographed by you.
Please stay in touch... you, Joy, and Graycen are family now.
(The wedding was BEAUTIFUL, wasn't it? What a blessed day!!!)
Thanks again,
Paul and Libby
On that note, it's off to bed with a smile on my face.
Awesome post! When she said "David and I still feel like we "discovered" this amazing unknown, untapped talent in Orlando last year - although I would hardly call you undiscovered now!" little does she realize how other photographers already recognized you as one amazing awesome photographer. You are like Microsoft stock in the '80s and '90s -- it just skyrocketted.
Its things like this that make me smile too, knowing that I know someone so well respected in the photography community and as a parent and family head. I can't believe you guys are moving, you are leaving your long lost no last name way too tanned son. Hopefully u'll still be around and shoot a ton here, and I know that i'll be bopping in and out of TN as well :-). You both work tremendously hard and keep your life well balanced - you DEFFINETLY deserve this praise and new life you have created in photography and i'm happy to know you!
See you in TN this weekend :-)
What a great post! You & Joy will continue to find messages like these from clients, not only because your photography totally ROCKS! But also (and perhaps even more importantly) because you are both genuine people who give of yourselves to your clients and are truly in this business for the right reasons!People intuitively know that you are giving, and they are happy to give in return. Best,
Chris & Lynn
You guys are making me cry!!!!! Thanks so much for your support and encouraging words. We couldn't do it without surrounding ourselves with friends like you :)
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