Friday was great. Joy and I attended the
Joe Buissink and
Marcus Bell tour in Atlanta, sponsored by
GraphiStudio. And what a great show it was!

The trip to Atlanta started off with us spending the night at Mark and Erin Adams' home. Unfortunately they were out of town for a last-minute wedding in Laguna Beach. So we photographed their wedding photo to make it feel like they were there. We wish you could see the actual photograph to appreciate how nice it is...their recent wedding was photographed by our good friends Eric and Jen from
Light of Day in Orlando.
Anyone who’s a faithful reader of our blog knows what big Joe B. fans we are. So we knew his portion would be great. And Marcus was simply an added bonus, right.
I first met Marcus a couple weeks ago in San Antonio at PPA. He was peddling his products in the back of Curt’s Littlecott’s presentation and I figured I’d better give him a hand. So there I was, side by side with one of the best wedding shooters in the world, trying to help him sell his products, and I wasn’t even exactly sure what they were…I just knew they were outstanding.
At any rate, on Friday Marcus and Joe covered the gamut—everything from shooting to marketing to building clients for life. But the part that struck home the most was the portion on shooting from the heart. It’s easy to get caught up in the fact that we’re running a business. And that’s necessary for the livelihood and sustainability of our family. But even though it’s a business, the heart of what we do is capturing and preserving something that will be around long after we’re gone—a smile, a tear, a laugh, a hug, an innocent child, a dancing bride, a nervous groom, a proud father, an emotional mother.
They spoke a great deal about how as photographers we put a little piece of ourselves into each image. This is something I’ve been thinking about a great deal lately.
Marcus relayed a personal story about losing his father to cancer when he was 16 years old. It forced him to grow up very quickly. And over time, as he’s had a family of his own, he realizes again how significant the parent/child relationships are.
He showed a wedding image of a proud father hugging his son, the groom—both of them beaming, the story is plain and clear.
Then he spoke of his father and said, “I’ll never be able to feel this with my father, but because of my experience I can imagine how important this moment will be for this father and son. Cherished forever.”
That image means so much to Marcus because of his personal experience and his need was revealed and somewhat met through this photograph…a moment captured in an instant, but preserved forever. Beautiful.
We were also reminded how blessed we are to be a part of such a fantastically amazing industry. Of course GraphiStudio was on hand and we spent a bit of time at the booth helping Michelle field questions from all of the attendees. On display were several books from Graphi photographers. For the first portion of the tour, they had one of our books on display, until at one of the stops they were forced to set up in the atrium of the hotel, which had birds flying around indoors up by the ceiling. Apparently one of the birds had something disagreeable for lunch and it dropped its drips right on our book! Unreal! LOL. I’m kind of suspicious, but that’s the story they’re telling me. Hahaha. Actually, here’s a shot of Melissa,
Jim Cook's wife, with one of our books at the Cincinnati stop.

We were blessed to finally meet Joe’s better two-thirds, Marilyn and Sebastian. What a beautiful family.

Rachel LaCour Niesen, Charles Bordner and Carla Swinney.

Rachel LaCour Niesen, Adam Linke and Charles Bordner.

Katie and Chris Torres, of
6 of Four Creations are such a sweet couple, and they’re so full of talent and drive. We’re really excited for everything that they’ve got going on. In the back, Adam Linke, our new Pictage rep looks like Kirk Cameron (so the girls say). He does have a nice smile.

Charles Bordner and Carla Swinney taking a photo of themselves.
(**We are sad that we don't have a picture with Michelle Kersten from Graphi, and also other photographers we know, talked to, and have met who attended: David Smith, Jeff Breedlove, John Bamber, Kandice Ledford...and Denis Reggie).

Here with our new friend Marcus Bell. Marcus has a heart of gold and it shows in everything he does.
We’re so happy for Marcus and Joe's success on this tour. All the best, fellas, as you continue to inspire.