Anyhow, we've been talking about his senior session for a while now, and we were excited on Friday morning to finally do the session.
We drove up on the mountain in fog so thick that we could barely see in front of us. For about an hour we shot close-ups until finally the fog lifted just slightly. We determined it was best to just embrace it and go for the whole Scotland theme (unfortunately without golf), and the results were something that I'm quite pleased with.

And my two favorites...

Thanks, Courtney, for all your help at the studio. And thanks even more for your friendship. Congratulations on your upcoming graduation and we wish you the brightest future full of blessings!
Already told you how much I love these! Such gorgeous imagery! I do not know Courtney very well but I am pretty sure that there could not be a better representation of him in this stage of his life. One of my favorite senior sessions I have ever seen!
Congrats to you both=)
Beautiful! Great look Courtney I know you must be loving them! The last two are amazing Garrett!
Thank you again Garrett, I had a lot of fun.
wow!! Courtney is such a stud! And that location is A-M-A-Z-I-N-G! Great job Garrett!
Nate and I are officially drooling.
Nate and I are officially drooling.
Wow, these are just amazing, garrett! Just a few weeks ago I shot a wedding in the fog, but it wasn't anything like this. I'll take dramatic weather any day. These are just stunning....!
Wow, these are fantastic! Loooove those in the trees. Wow, again.
love those last 2
Last one is rad :)
These give me goosebumps!
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