What makes your workflow flow?
Outsourcing what we can such as photo editing and album design and focusing on mastering the images that make us most excited and further enhance our brand.
Little thing, big difference...
Confidence. It can be the difference between a mediocre shoot and a fantastic shoot.
What hot new product are you going out of your way to use?
ShootQ online studio management application (www.shootq.com)
This application is the only one we know of that does online booking, which we (and our clients) love!
Has a piece of equipment ever changed the way you approach your photography? If so, what was it?
The Canon 5D, with its low-light capabilities, allows us to create images with a style that we wanted for a long time, but weren’t able to get before.
What's your life-saver when working on location?
Our Think Tank Airport Security bags. They’re easy, durable, and they hold everything we need. They make schlepping through the airport so much more manageable.
What's the one piece of gear they'd have to pry from your cold, dead fingers?
My four-year-old Apple PowerBook G4 (with two missing keys!).
Tomorrow we leave for NYC and the fantastic wedding of Marissa and Matt in Princeton, NJ. Following their wedding we'll have a couple days of meetings and work in the city and before we pop in on some of our special friends as they kick off a great tour! Stay tuned...
What a great article.
Glad to see you are liking that 5D!
The Mark III is very Niiiiiiiicce too.
Put the Nikons down and never looked back (:
Congratulations on the sweet article!
Excellent article.
Find digital photography classes at Megacameras.com
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