Then we were on the subway yesterday heading down to SoHo and we saw this. Fortunately it was already on our calendar.

We were thrilled to be on hand this evening for the official kick-off of the Chasing Harry Winston tour. In case you didn't know, today, May 27, 2008, marked the official release of Lauren Weisberger's third novel, Chasing Harry Winston. Also to her credit are the wildly successful novels, The Devil Wears Prada and Everyone Worth Knowing.

Lauren and Mike were married in early April on the island of Anguilla in the West Indies, truly paradise on earth.

We were thrilled to be there to photograph their special weekend, and we've been even more thrilled to form such an instant connection. Of course it could be Mike's love for photography (he's an outstanding amateur photographer) or their quick wit and cynical humor, but whatever the case, they're great people and that's what matters most.
On Monday evening we were able to steal them away for a quiet dinner in Little Italy and a chance to relive their wedding weekend and talk about their amazing honeymoon to...everywhere! (The Maldives, Botswana, South Africa, Dubai, etc.)

(This is absolutely not a flattering picture of any of us, but it sure was a great concept...thanks Lauren. ;-) )
Tomorrow Lauren heads out for the rest of her tour. If you're a fan (come on, you know you are...), below are the dates and locations for the Chasing Harry Winston Tour. Go out and meet her, visit, talk about her new book, ask her about her wedding photographers (LOL...just kidding). Seriously though, she's great!
Of course many of our blog readers may not live close to one of her tour stops. So to sweeten the deal, everyone who leaves a comment on this post will have their name included in a random drawing. The drawing will take place one week from today and the name that is selected will receive an autographed and personalized copy of Chasing Harry Winston. EDITED: Please leave your complete name and location to insure a fair selection process.
The Tour
Detroit, MI
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
12:00 PM
Women's World Luncheon
Congregation Shaarey-Zedek
Detroit, MI
Tampa, FL
Thursday, May 8, 2008
6:00 PM
United Way of Tampa
Pepin Hospitality Center
Tampa, FL
New York, NY
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
7:00 PM
Barnes & Noble
97 Warren Street (at Greenwich Street) in Tribeca
New York, NY
Free & open to the public: Conversation/Booksigning
Louisville, KY
Thursday, May 29, 2008
7:00 PM
Louisville Free Public Library
301 York Street
Louisville, KY
Free & open to the public: Conversation/Booksigning. Free tickets available online or by calling (505) 574-1644
Dallas, TX
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
7:00 PM
Borders Books & Music
10720 Preston Road, Suite 1018
Dallas, TX
Free & open to the public: Conversation/Booksigning
Austin, TX
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
7:00 PM
603 North Lamar Boulevard
Austin, TX
Free & open to the public: Conversation/Booksigning
Houston, TX
Thursday, June 5, 2008
7:00 PM
Blue Willow Books
14532 Memorial Drive
Houston, TX
Free & open to the public: Conversation/Booksigning
St. Louis, MO
Friday, June 6, 2008
7:00 PM
St. Louis County Library
1640 South Lindbergh Boulevard
St. Louis, MO
Free & open to the public: Conversation/Booksigning
Chicago, IL
Sunday, June 8, 2008
1:00 PM
Chicago Tribune Printers Row Book Festival
Dearborn & Polk (More information to come)
Chicago, IL
Free & open to the public: Conversation/Booksigning
San Diego, CA
Monday, June 9, 2008
7:30 PM
7812 Girard Avenue
La Jolla, CA
Free & open to the public: Conversation/Booksigning
Newport Beach, CA
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
7:00 PM
Newport Beach Public Library
1000 Avocado Avenue
Newport Beach, CA
Free & open to public. Make a reservation to guarantee a seat by email (info@nblibraryevents.com), by phone (949-644-3296) or in person to guarantee a seat.
Los Angeles, CA
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Book Soup
Santa Monica Public Library
601 Santa Monica Blvd. Santa Monica, CA
Free & open to the public: Conversation/Booksigning
Corte Madera, CA
Monday, June 16, 2008
7:00 PM
Book Passage
51 Tamal Vista Boulevard
Corte Madera, CA
Free & open to the public: Conversation/Booksigning
San Francisco, CA
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
6:00 PM
Commonwealth Club
595 Market Street, 2nd Floor
San Francisco, CA
Ticketed event. Tickets can be purchased here.
Philadelphia, PA
Monday, June 30, 2008
7:30 PM
Barnes & Noble
1805 Walnut Street
Philadelphia, PA
Free & open to the public: Conversation/Booksigning
Washington DC/Virginia
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
7:30 PM
5871 Crossroads Center Way
Baileys Crossroads, VA
Free & open to the public: Conversation/Booksigning
Oh man, Tiffany and I will barely miss her in Chicago, we arrive one day later. We absolutely love the Devil Wears Prada and can't wait for the new book :)
What a great idea!
Me, me, me, me! might be one of her biggest closet fans ;)
I bought "Chasing Harry Winston" in the airport today and had it read before I got home. I was opening it at traffic lights on my ride home from the airport to finish the thing! A completely delightful read; really funny, she draws her characters so charmingly.
Hi fellow night-owls :) To make it fair for the selection process and just in case there are twenty Jane (or John) Doe's, please leave your first and last name, location you are in, social security number, favorite color, and mother's maiden name...(just kidding...your complete name and location would be just fine!)
You guys totally got me hooked on The Devile Wears Prada! So now I'm a fan for life. :)
Tara Piercy
Cambridge, England
Sorry to see I missed the Tampa Tour.. Good luck on the rest of your travels.. The Judds did an AWESOME job on the wedding pics!! Contrats!!
Margie Schulz
St. Petersburg, FL
Heather loved the movie "The Devil Wears Prada" but hasn't had the opportunity to read any of her books. I'd love to win it for her! Thanks for the cool contest!
Rich Smith
Chattanooga, TN
I would love a signed copy:)
Claudine Jackson
Heh, whoops. Susan Stripling, Tallahassee FL.
Awesome. Can't wait to read the new one!
Mike Wise
Kokomo, Indiana
Looks like you guys had a blast in NYC! One of my favorite cities on the planet!!! I really need to get Stick there sometime soon!
My name is Brandy Rammel and I live in Van Wert, OH;-) Unfortunately there are no stops in Fort Wayne, or Van Wert. Admittedly I am not much of a reader but I did purchase TDWP and read it in 2 days - LOVED IT!!! And I was so thrilled when I was not disappointed by the movie. The new book looks great, LOVE that it has a shoe on it like the first, and I cannot wait to read it. I will keep my fingers crossed on winning, although I am never very lucky with these sort of things.
Can't wait to see the wedding post!
bummer that we'll miss her too; chicago is just a bit too far to drive these days! glad everything is going so well for her! hope you had a great time in NYC- sometime, we'd love to go there with you guys!!
lots of hugs,
lori momberg
I'd love to win - and I love it that such an awesome author has awesome photographers!
Theresa Wiebe - Vancouver, Canada.
Darn, you're not including a weekend in one of the cities to go see her? ;) hahaha- I would love to run off to New York for the weekend..... but I'll be much more likely to try to find the time to read a great book! :) I'll have to go pick up a copy!
Erin Cady
Glenwood Springs, CO
Count me in! Kristina Wein in Tampa :-)
What a great oppurtunity for you guys, and a gorgeous wedding indeed!
Christy Fazio
Chattanooga TN
Wow! That is a great shot of the four of you!!! I just hope that Joy, Lauren, and Mike survived it; it looks like "the superpoke"(the nickname of G$'s hair-do) may have punctured some of them.
I can not believe that their is no stop in Van Wert?!?!?!
sticky rammel
van wert, ohio
I LOVED the Devil Wears Prada and am looking forward to this newest book. I also love that my friends from high school/college photographed her wedding! Congrats on your accomplishments, Garrett and Joy!
Cindy Tomaszewski
Augusta, GA
I like to comment. ;) Looks like someone needs a travel coordinator. -- PM
What a great idea, guys!
"Garrett, your my hero." (be sure to say it like Cameron says it to Ferris ;)....unless this was Joy's idea.
Oh, almost forgot:
Ginger Moseley
Highlands, NC
Always up for a good book when it comes with such a great recommendation! Count me in!
Ashley Cheney
Spencerport, NY
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Jim Cook Georgetown Kentucky
I'd LOVE to win this!
She is one of my faves! TDWP is my all time favorite, I can't pass up watching it on TV! and of course I have the DVD!
Thanks for the chance J & G!
Cher Salo
PROPhotogs LLC
Citronelle, AL (in Fayetteville, AR awaiting my first grand baby!!!!)
How cool!!!! I can't wait to read her new book! I'm such a fan!!!
Daniel J. Watkins
Doh...totally wish I could attend on June 6th but I have an awesome rehearsal dinner to photograph that night...
Love Lauren Weisberger and LOVE Garrett Nudd Photography!!
Ann Pasquini
San Diego, CA
Love Lauren Weisberger and LOVE Garrett Nudd Photography!!
Ann Pasquini
San Diego, CA
Ugh!!! This is such a tough decision. I live in Orange County (the OC) and three of her tour stops are near me and I can't decide which one to go to.
So I am just going to stay home and wait for my winning autographed copy to arrive by mail... I think that's the best solution.
Ohhhh....I would love a copy...love her.
Jill Higgins
Valdosta, GA
(Officially on nobody's tour list):D
Love her books :)
Kelly Park
St. Louis, MO
Seeing as I am a certified book-a-holic - I NEED this. ;)
Count me in.
Amanda Carlson
Nashville, TN
What a great wedding to photograph! That must have been a great experience.
Traveling to NYC in July...going to check out the W hotel...might be a perfect fit for our plans.
I heart Lauren Weisberger's books. Can't wait to get a copy of her new one....maybe you'll pick me for a FREE copy. YEA!!! That would be great.
Deb Thompson
Cadillac (aka middle of nowhere), MI
Jensey Root
Celebration, FL
Have I mentioned that I <3 you guys?
It would sure be fun to win! Love her books!!
Lauren Wright
Atlanta, GA
This is SO COOL! I love her novels. I've read both of them, and I'm looking forward to the third!
Tammy Chambers
Macon, GA
I've seen the book and loved the title but never picked it up. I got TDWP tonight and look forward to reading. From all of the comments - I'm sure I'll be a fan.
Tammy Chambers
Macon, GA
I've seen the book and love the title but never picked it up. I got TDWP tonight. Based on the comments, I'm sure I'll be a fan.
I really enjoy the amazing photos on your blog. Also, thanks for posting the dates of the Chasing Harry Winston book tour. It is on the top of my summer reading list.
Thanks again.
Katie Bihr
Columbia, Missouri
Can't wait to see the wedding photos!
Leah Jansen
Wow, have a contest and all of your readers suddenly come out of the woodwork to post (: We should all comment more often!
Wish I would have known you were in the city, I would have asked you to come by my huge Indian wedding. It has been too long my friends. A get together is due. Any way you could mail me some Tomato soup? Lots of love to all (:
Oooo how cool is that? Great photos!
Melanie Reyes
Monterrey, Mexico
No one ever comes to Nashville for book reading. :( Devil Wears Prada was fantastic!
Chelsea Soapes
Nashville, TN
How cool to see this post! I finally got a chance to rent and watch the Devil Wears Prada and I just LOVED it! (I know, I know, where have I been?!!).
And it came as no surprise to learn that you were Lisa's wedding photographers. You both are awesome and inspiring!
Ann Hamilton
San Francisco, CA
I know the whole DWP by heart! Love it! OK...don't let Jim Cook bribe you!!!! :)
Such fun...
Lake Charles, LA
I didn't bribe!! I just stuff the ballot box!
Jim Cook Georgetown Kentucky
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Ooh! I love her! How exciting :)
Ann Marie Palmer
Gainesville, Florida
Think I just missed you in NY! Dude...hope I am in on time!
J Sandifer
Portland, ME
Winner announced! Check recent blog post: http://www.garrettnudd.net
Thanks for participating and be on the lookout for more contests in the near future.
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