Led by event designer Lisa Konecny, of E-events Design and Kristy Chenell of the Ritz Carlton, they have gathered a fantastic team of uber-talented wedding professionals. The event is sure to be spectacular for the second straight year.

The event features the highly celebrated Austin Scarlett, lead designer of the Kenneth Pool collection of designer gowns, also of Project Runway fame.

Video credit from above: The amazing Jeffrey Stoner, who will once again be covering the event. If you didn't watch the video, scroll back up and WATCH IT!
Also on hand will be Ryan Joseph, DJ Carl and a host of others. Stay tuned for more.
Welll if you're there and the spectacular Jeffrey is there... well, that makes it the party of the year!
Have fun and keep us posted!
Wow, that seems like quite the event! Oh, I love Austin and Project Runway- it'd be really fun to see! :) And yay for you guys coming back to colorado!! Should we get a group of us together and do dinner?
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