Traditionally we use the space on our blog to talk about our clients, friends, and everything else that's going on with the business. But sometimes we find it beneficial to bring up subjects of a more consequential nature. They may not always be related to our business, but they effect our lives in a way that's indeed big enough to mention.
On Saturday afternoon we were shooting the pre-wedding activities, when we received word from one of our photographer friends in Kentucky, that Joe Buissink, a photographer in LA, had suffered a heart attack the night before. He was in the hospital, stable, and would hopefully be heading to surgery the following day.
Joe is seen throughout the industry as one of the top wedding photographers in the world. He has always been one of my photography role-models and someone that I really admire. And he's truly one of the most interesting and fascinating people I've ever met. I was blessed to attend one of his two-day workshops in Miami in January. Although it was just three months ago, my experinece at Joe's workshop made an enormus impact on my approach to photography and the manner in which we interact with people.
So today we write to express our sympathy and concern for Joe and his wife Marilyn and their family. Our prayers are that his health will be restored soon and he will be back doing what he loves.
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