As a child I didn't have the opportunity to travel much.
We had a yearly vacation, usually to South Carolina
or Florida or somewhere up in the Northeast.
It was always a fun and exciting experience
and I look back with the fondest of memories.
But there's something extra special and even quite thrilling about traveling overseas,
visiting a new destination, exploring, experiencing a different culture,
intentionally putting yourself outside your comfort zone,
and yes, maybe even getting lost.
I love this quote:
"Tis better to have traveled and gotten lost
than to have never traveled at all."
-George Santayana
Yesterday we were thrilled by the news that we have been selected by
Destination Weddings & Honeymoons magazine among the
top 20 destination wedding photographers in the world.
The upcoming issue of the magazine, which will be on newsstands on August 8,

Thanks to Diane Rice and the rest of the crew at DW&H.
And thanks to so many of our fabulous clients who have commissioned us
in amazing locations around the country and abroad.